"You have managed to steadily raise the profile of science in the school and in the wider community over a number of years, and to maintain that during this most difficult of years – a commendable achievement"
PQSM March 2021

Remote Learning

Children will be able to access Remote Education via Google Classrooms. Written work can be completed in the Home Learning Book or online using Google docs.

We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. Teachers adapt learning depending on the subject as necessary. For example we do not expect pupils to have access to equipment for Science or PE which is available in school.

Work set should take your child between 4 and 5 hours each day to complete.

Accessing remote education

Children access their daily timetable, including Live Lessons, via Google Classrooms.

They will also be able to access the following platforms daily and as required:

Accelerated Reader


Times Tables Rock Stars

My Maths

Other – teacher will provide information

Pupils already have logins for programmes. If you experience any difficulties please contact your child’s teacher via the Year Group email.

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home. We take the following approaches to support those pupils to access remote education:

Parents should contact the school learning mentor via the school office We have a limited number of devices which can be loaned to pupils. School can also advise if other devices can be used to access Google classrooms. Children have been given a Home Learning Book which can be replaced if necessary.

We use a range of approaches including live lessons on Google classrooms; work set which may include video clips; work to be completed online and work to be completed in Home Learning books as well as the learning platforms listed above.

We expect that your child will be engaged on work set through Google classrooms for 4 to 5 hours per day. Teachers upload a daily timetable which sets the tasks for the day including online resources. This can be varied to suit the needs of the family. The programme will include live lessons, independent learning tasks, and activity breaks. Children can ask questions via the classrooms to ask for support from the teacher. Pupils are expected to turn in and upload completed work either using Google docs or by submitting a photo of handwritten work.

Teachers have a timetabled day each week to make phone calls to families if there are concerns. We have found that working in partnership with parents has been the most effective way of increasing engagement.

Teachers respond to questions and mark and return work through the day. Work completed on paper can be photographed and uploaded to the Google classroom for marking. Teachers aim to provide feedback daily using a range of methods via Google classrooms.

Pupils with EHCPs are encouraged to attend school. Pupils with Learning Support Plans continue to have access to online support programmes such as Lexia and Numbots. Progress and engagement are monitored. Parents may receive additional phone calls and targeted resources to support home learning. Teachers work to set work that can be independently accessed by all pupils.

Pupils who are isolating should continue to follow the curriculum via Google classroom although live lessons are only available when the whole class are isolating or during lockdown. Children who are sick are not expected to complete school work but they may wish to watch BBC Lockdown Learning and continue to read or listen to books, depending on how they are feeling.