"Pupils work hard and have positive attitudes to learning. They concentrate hard in lessons and their behaviour is good. They respect each other’s ideas and work well together. Pupils want to do well, and the vast majority of them produce work that they are, rightly, very proud of."
Ofsted 2018


Studying History enables the children to understand how events in the past made things the way they are today. It gives children the tools to analyse and explain problems in the past and provides them a crucial perspective for understanding and solving current and future problems. 

The topics studied each term are broad which allows the children to engage with the facts and consider some of the bigger questions. 

Through History children will be taught how historical information is formed from different opinions from a range of sources. They will develop understanding of chronology, knowledge and interpretation and historical enquiry with the option of linking to foundation subjects.

To enhance our History curriculum and learn about key figures in History as well as broaden their historical vocabulary, children will study high quality texts in English lessons.